Reverse Effect

Ever stopped to ask yourself what you could possibly do to contribute to increasing the number (and most definitely, the impact) of women in science, tech, engineering, and math fields? If one takes a bird’s eye-view of the problem of female seclusion, it appears to be a really massive problem (and it is!), but this does not at all imply that it is incurable. After all, if we folded our arms in resignation, at the sight of any tough problems, we would probably never have dared to make fire in the first place.

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Flower in a pod

If the girl child will grow to choose a career in the tech space, in medicine, or in some other science, engineering, or math-based field, the very notion will have to be sold her at a tender age. Even though the more conventional impressionable ages are 12-18, the fact still remains that, much of a child’s character and aspirations are direct effects of their childhood contacts and impressions.

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Why should women be included in the workforce?

Truth is, the world rewards innovation. Equal (or at the very worst, decent) representation of women in the workplace is quite beneficial, both within and outside the architectural design sphere. It allows for forward-thinking conversations. Even as women and men are fundamentally equal, there is no doubt women take a different approach to problem-solving than men.

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Women, Impact

“My dear roses, did you know that the first ever computer programmer was a woman?” The old lady who takes care of the flowers in the public park close to the high school smells one large bud of rose and closes her eyes. Three friends who have just finished their classes watch her, and simultaneously shake their heads.

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Try Hard

Studies show that women are largely underrepresented in the field of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Math and science have been repeatedly reported as male fields, whereas women tend to be characterized as more suited to humanities. While it is common to experience gender bias and stereotypes in almost all fields, the gap is particularly pronounced in STEM.

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The Woman at Work

An observation of career trends in the 21st Century shows that even though careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) appear to offer higher earnings than a career in marketing or accounting typically would, you find increasingly fewer women in STEM fields; with a minute number choosing STEM in the first place, and an even higher number dropping out to take up careers in less-specified areas.

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Meet India’s Pioneering Mathematician, Ushadevi Bhosle

Many women and girls who aspire to pursue a career in STEM owes a great deal of gratitude to women trailblazers like Dr Bhosle who have paved the way for future generations of female mathematicians to thrive in a field that they were once shunned away from. May her life and legacy serve as a powerful and important reminder that women can achieve great things, despite the many challenges that come their way.

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A No-Nonsense Guide to Thriving and Surviving as a Woman in STEM

The field of STEM has historically favoured male predominance and patriarchal values over placing due value and recognition to women who have and continue to contribute significantly in many ways. At its core, the subtle (and sometimes explicit) adversities that women face in their route to academic and career success, have rarely been addressed. Here, we offer a finely curated list of fool-proof tips to empower women and girls not only to better navigate the world of STEM but thrive in it.

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Impracticability of a more brilliant gender

Since women and men employ different parts of the brain to achieve the same intelligence quotient, where the former may have to dedicate time to developing spatial skills and just takes wing once they’re sufficiently developed, the latter may, even though having naturally fine-tuned spatial skills, instead have to work on rudimentary calculations. In the end, everyone with interest can get the job done!

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Culture and the Woman

While it is not an entirely healthy perspective to take to employment, the truth is, in today’s corporate world, women have a lot to prove, and this fact alone makes them a whole lot more committed to getting the job done, than the average privileged man.

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